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MemGen AI

Generate Your Memories


Early Access

Those who support our crowdfunding campaign in Q2 2023 will gain EARLY ACCESS to MemGen AI. Early Access will provide a test platform for generating and sharing memories for the purpose of generating fun, excitement and positive energy.

Version 1 - MemGen AI

After learning during Early Release, V1 is intended to empower users to generate memories from text input. The resulting images may be placed into the collection of memories on Memories Lockbox or wherever the user chooses.

Many Memories From Emotional Impact Video.jpg

Version 2 - MemGen AI

V2 is envisioned as a content generator which has been trained on the people, places and events in your life. 

Version 3 - MemGen AI

We believe in the power of AI to democratize and disrupt the production of high-quality video. Creating full-motion video of the events in our lives will be within our reach sooner than we might expect.

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